Here is a list of local companies from the local area that are either "green" or fundamentally trying to achieve sustainability.
We will be adding to our website soon a company which can spread up to 25 cubic metres per time. That will be enough to cover 5 acres at 5 metres to the acre.
We recycle organic waste such as wood, manure, paunch, organic liquids and a range of organic materials. If your company is looking for an alternative to land filling and ocean outfall (trade waste) contact us through our website.
If you produce waste or require fertiliser for your farm, fill in our survey about setting up your own waste management system
Organic waste and agriculture maybe brought under climate change legislation and may attract extra costs for the amount of pollution they release. Recycled organic waste and the fertiliser it produces should not attract these charges and will become increasingly cost effective over time.
Peninsula solar is a locally based campany that installs photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. We enlisted this company to install an PV array on our site.
As an environmentally conscious business we are increasingly concerned about the future costs of Coal Powered Electricity in a polluter pays economy.
With the addition of a bank of batteries we can be fully independent from the grid during the many frequent brown outs during fires, wild weather and rampant electricty consumption by Greater Melbourne during summertime.
Peninsula Solar is now capable of measuring your sites wind speed to estimate how much power your site can produce with the installation of a wind turbine.
Peninsula Solar's Home page